Monday, May 30, 2011
Ciara finally got her hard cast on this past Monday. She didn't mind getting it on but the first couple of days was a little irritating to her because she couldn't take it off like we could the other one. Of course she had to have pink!!! It's her favorite color but orange has been creeping in as a favorite the last couple of weeks. Last night she told me that she had to sleep in my bed because she couldn't sleep in hers since it is not orange or pink. It does have orange & pink on it but apparently she thinks it should be all over pink or orange. Lucky for her the back side of the comforter IS solid pink so I turned it over for her. Now she calls her bedroom the "pink room".
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Let me start with this ... I am very upset (said in nice words)!!! If you don't think you will like what I have to write DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!
I found out yesterday that without a doubt I have spent the last 6 years and then some being lied to on a daily basis. You all know that I have been separated for nearly 3 months. I thought there was still a good chance it would work out eventually. Randy and I have been talking the last couple of weeks and more then once I told him he could think about coming home. This didn't have to be permanent. We even went to dinner on Friday after Ciara's recital. It was great, he was friendly & fun, I was enjoying the conversation so much that it hurt to have him leave. I told him he needed to come home it would be so much better then him living out of the suburban and he is on a waiting list several months long to move into a barrack on base where he started working. It's not even permanent housing, he can only stay there on the days he works. Yesterday we were talking again and I asked him if he'd thought about it and he said yes but wasn't sure .... then he decided to give a girl a call that he thinks he has been in love with for more than 15 years. He wanted her to tell him the truth as to whether or not she loved him. Now mind you they never dated, and supposedly nothing has ever gone on between them except for what he was wishing for. Well needless to say she told him that she did not love him, never had! This is what his reservations about coming home were all about ... what if he had a chance with somebody better. Somebody that left her family over a year ago and has never sought him out. THIS is what my whole marriage, last 6 years, comes to an end for!!! NOTHING ... a BIG FAT NOTHING. I told you I was upset & hurt beyond anything I thought possible. It makes me so mad that Satan can so easily put thoughts into people's minds, get them to do stupid things, and tear families apart. What are his consequences? According to Randy that now he has a broken heart & I should understand how he feels. That's it! He gets a free place to stay at his grandparents with no responsibilities, nobody that questions his motives, or ask him what is going on. He's been partying over the past 3 months and living so carefree and his worst consequence is that his heart is broken!!! I know there are more but right now he doesn't even recognize that. He doesn't even feel bad that this is happening. In fact he told me that today he is just out enjoying the sunshine and that it is so nice! Normally I can be pretty rational but right now I am having a very hard time doing that. I just feel a lot of anger & betrayal. I just don't understand ....
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Ciara has been taking a creative movement class just through the recreation department this year and they decided to have a Spring Showcase last Friday. It was really cute ... her teacher told a story while they acted it out about little baby dinosaurs; starting from the eggs. I haven't included all the pics because I took quite a few!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ciara is keeping me on my toes lately ... well maybe a little more than normal! Last Friday she wanted to help me while I was doing yard work and so I let her help cut weeds that were growing through the fence. She was doing a really good job too, she was bringing me weeds that she had cut and I thought she was doing great! Then a few minutes later she comes to me and tells me to look at her beautiful hair! I had been thinking about cutting her hair because it is so fine and tangles so easily, but never, ever, ever would I have had it cut into a mullett! haha I was very calm and told her that we would now have to cut it short and her reply was, "I don't want to look like a boy." Oh my goodness! I just want to laugh every time I see this pic because this is almost a perfect 80's mullett sweety! :)
Needless to say I did give her a cut and did the best we could at blending it all in and now she has bangs to hide what was way too short to blend; and she is still pretty dang cute!!! Every day she does let me know that her hair is growing.
Then Sunday evening rolled around and she fell off the trampoline. Her arm was a little swollen and it hurt, but with an ice pack the swelling went down and tylenol seemed to help the pain. She could bend her arm and move it around as well as her hand and fingers. I thought that she would probably be okay, until later that night while we were trying to sleep. She would wake up every couple of hours and would say that her arm was hurting. I took her into the Dr. and he said that it could possibly be broken in her elbow since that is where the pain was located and that they are hard breaks to find, so we headed to radiology for x-rays. Sure enough she has a broken arm, just above her elbow joint, but so far we lucked out and I feel very blessed that she doesn't have to have surgery ... as long as she doesn't hurt it more, and so we are being very careful with it. They will put a hard cast on it next week and then she will spend the next 4-6 weeks casted up. Just in time for summer :(
We went to Ky's dance concert Friday night and once again I really enjoyed all of the talent those kids offer. The concert was a lot of fun. I wasn't paying attention to my settings for recording Ky's dance and I am pretty bumbed about it, but if you look really close, she starts out in the back and quickly comes to the front corner. And by looking really close ... I mean you probably better grab the magnifying glass! :)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I am very grateful to be a Mom, it is a huge blessing in my life! I am so thankful that I have been entrusted with 3 beautiful children here on earth and one very special angel. I am grateful for my own mom who taught me so much as a child how to do very basic things like cooking, cleaning, decorating, and so much more. I am also thankful that she taught us how to love and raised me in the gospel that now guides me in all I do, even as a mother. I have been very fortunate in my life to have been touched by many special women in my life and to have so many examples to look up to and learn from. The list is long but I'll keep it short and general .... my sister, sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, grandmothers, aunts, friends, leaders, co-workers, teachers, & more! I hope each of you have a wonderful Mothers Day!
We have had such wonderful weather this last week ... it was awesome! I received a great sunburn on Monday while mowing the back yard. We finally got to pull out Ciara's swimming pool and YES she was very excited and quickly learned that it was still a little cool for it. But she went ahead and played in it anyways several days this week. Dallin was sure that it was warm enough to sleep on the trampoline this weekend, but we were still getting frost almost every night so I told him he could sleep on the couch instead. This then prompted a sleepover for all of the kids as they decided they all wanted to do that! Ciara was so excited, only she had a hard time deciding if she wanted to sleep on the couch or the floor. She did eventually end up on the couch and then about 4:30 AM she came and climbed in my bed.
On Saturday Ky's track team had a fundraiser at the school with a little carnival and a movie. Ciara had more fun then anybody. She loved the little games and got pretty good at throwing darts at balloons. She won several prizes doing it, including these obnoxious lips. She also was able to throw a ball at some stacked cans and knock them down, ate tons of treats, ignored her dinner, decorated a cookie, got a flower on her face, and enjoyed watching the movie.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I only had 2 shifts at work this week but it was kind of a good thing because I had days off that had good weather so I was able to get LOTS of yard work done. I was so glad to be able to do it too! Ciara & Hiatt helped me sweep off the driveways early this week and the back patio. I was able to get all of the lawn edged, weeds sprayed, leaves vacuumed up from the rock areas, the garage all cleaned out. I took the car in to be inspected and had to spend $30 on TWO light bulbs ... really? I didn't even know they were out and that is a ridiculous price. Oh well now they're fixed.
For our YM/YW activity this week we went to the Carl Bloch exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art. That was fun, the kids rushed right through it so I didn't get to see as much as I wanted, but the paintings are beautiful. It's only there for another week or so, it would be nice to try and go back without kids. They also have a display of a huge stack of books ... 80,000 lbs worth of books; very cool!!!! I can't imagine how much patience it would take to stack them in such a way that it will not fall, but it is cool to look at.
Ciara has spent time with her dad and it's been good for her but also very hard. She is so emotional for about 4 or 5 days afterwards and everything feels normal just in time for her to see him again. She misses her daddy so much and the things she will say blow me away. Kids are resilient but they are also a lot more perceptive than I think we give them credit for. She is doing much better most of the time but she still has hard time when even I leave and thinks that I am not coming back ... even if I just walk into a different room from her. She is growing like crazy and I am grateful for warmer days so she can burn more of her energy outside! It's funny though if it is cooler outside she will ask me to get her pool out because that means it "will be warmer". So the other night when it was chilly she went swimming in my bath tub instead!
Dallin is glad the school year is finally winding down. He is very excited for his scout camp in June, when they will spend six days canoeing 68 miles of the Green River. Ugh .... mom is not so excited. I'm sure it will be a good experience and they are getting ready for a camp out at Vernon reservoir to practice their canoeing skills. Dal stayed home with Ciara today while Ky was at her match & I was at work and he did a fabulous job! I checked on him several times because he has not ever babysat for more than an hour or so, but each time both he and Ciara were fine and having fun! Maybe he is starting to mature just a little bit more.
I am sending out a call to my friends on here that I am looking for a different job if anybody is aware of anything. I love my job and really don't want to leave it but it is not providing near enough hours. We would like to stay where we are but if we have to move elsewhere we will ... well I might have some exclusions of where I'm willing to live. I'm not a fan of cold!!! After the phone call I received last week sometimes getting out of this town sounds better & better. Sometimes I really don't understand ... I just want to laugh!!! Small towns are the BEST!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I got this made last night after dinner! I picked up the fabric and everything a couple weeks ago and just have not had the time. So I was scrambling last night to get it done and it is so cute ... and big enough she can wear for awhile!!!
We have enjoyed our Easter today. We went to church and of all things the talks were on MARRIAGE! Last week the same thing at Stake Conference too. If only ......
Here was a neat quote from President Monson's talk at the Priesthood session.
"Choose your love; love your choice."
This could be applied in life in many ways I suppose. It is a great reminder to me to always be grateful for what I do have.
I am grateful for Easter and for our Savior. The atonement has meant so much to me in my life and it always will. I am grateful for the sacrifice he was willing to make on my behalf, my children, and my family. I hope to one day have every part of my life be a reflection of gratitude for all the wonderful things Jesus has done for me!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
"The greatest tragedy in life is not dying, it's what dies inside of us while we are trying to live."
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Today was our final day of spring break. It's kind of sad, I will really miss having the kids around. I did work several days during the break, but the kids were able to still have some fun. We of course started it in Colorado. Then we came home to cold, not so fun weather. It began to warm a little and so we did spend some time outside. I got a little yard work done in between rain storms. Dallin tried getting his bike fixed so he could ride it; he also had a scout camp out at Topaz mountain. He was very excited about all the topaz that he brought home, none of it was the $1000 pieces they were hoping for but he is pretty proud of his stash. Kylie was out with friends quite a bit, which included some late nights. I personally will not miss those. Ciara was Ciara ... and she was invited to her first birthday party! She got to go to our next door neighbors party yesterday and had lots of fun. The kids and I went and saw Rio; it was cute, not the best, but cute. The kids really enjoyed it though ... all of them. I forgot the camera for every single thing that we did so that explains the lack of photos! :)
This weekend was Stake Conference. Something that stood out for me was this simple quote. "To experience the fullness of joy, one must have trials and endure them righteously." It really has me thinking. I have always excepted my trials, not necessarily enjoyed them, but I know when they happen I need to endure and learn. This has me thinking of them differently though; perhaps I need to change my attitude as well, because I could really go for some "fullness of joy." This may take some practice because right now I just want to lock all of the doors and never come out. Thankfully I have a million reasons to not do that and I remember them every morning as soon as I wake up. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us right now. I just also know that my attitude is making it very difficult to feel any joy or happiness at the present time. So maybe I will be posting this quote on a mirror or two to help remind me .... righteously which includes my attitude!!!
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