After about 2 hours she had enough though. We still stayed for another hour so Ky and Dal could keep playing but time the time it had been 3 hours it was definitely time to go. I couldn't get any pics of Ky and Dal cause they were off playing with other kids the whole time. When we did find them Ciara didn't want to leave her big sis! She was very upset when I took her back over to the kiddie end of the pool.
I was reminded of pet peeves that I have about public pools while we were there. Does it not seem like that is the place that people forget all of their manners. I am sure that is the one place that people are so rude all of the time. We had a guy that cut right in front of us in line when it was our turn to pay and when I said something he just turned and glared at me. Uummm....really? You want to cut in front of a lady with 3 kids to get in faster. We are talking one man no kids; what exactly was his rush?
Next ... if you are going to wear a skimpy bikini make sure it fits. The last several times we have been to the pool there is always at least on person whose "goodies" are falling out of the suit. Seriously if you want to wear them fine, but let's not leave ourselves unattended! Keep it in check, keep them in the suit!!! Do people really forget it is not a topless beach and that there are hundreds of kids running around, not to mention teenage boys and men. Okay, have I ranted enough? Probably!!!
All-in-all we had a really fun time and afterwards stopped at a snow shack place that looks like a Polynesian hut and got really yummy, big, snow cones! The perfect end to a day of swimming!
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